OutsideIn is brought to you by a project team from across Europe presented by the following organisations:
Meath Partnership
Meath Partnership is a county-wide organisation responsible for the design and implementation of local, rural and community development programmes across our region. We specialise in building the capacity of local communities through the design and implementation of a range of projects and programmes tackling persistent incidence of exclusion and disadvantage. We are a not-for-profit organisation with charitable status and employ 31 full-time staff. We are responsible for the implementation of the SICAP Programme, LEADER Rural Development Programme, Meath Volunteer Centre, Tús Programme, the Rural Social Scheme, Digital Skills Programme and a range of Erasmus+ and Education Initiatives in Co. Meath. Our focus is on improving the economic, social and cultural quality of life through the creation of sustainable rural communities in County Meath. We provide the following services and supports to our clients and target groups:
- Capital investment, training opportunities and mentoring support for the development and expansion of community organisations, micro-enterprises, SMEs and social enterprises
- Confidential face-to-face coaching and mentoring service for jobseekers, disadvantaged adults, NEETS and marginalised youth
- Targeted training, both accredited and non-accredited learners in county Meath in the areas of business development, train-the-trainer, personal development, career preparation, digital skills, governance, social media, etc.
- Up-skilling opportunities to low-skilled workers and jobseekers through work-placement programmes
- Industry-focused training in the areas of e-business, eco-tourism, artisan food, creative industries, renewable energy, tourism and hospitality, etc.
The RIGHTCHALLENGE Association is a non-governmental organization which aims at the promotion of education, training, culture and sport as a means of social inclusion and equal opportunities.
One of our strength’s is our interdisciplinary approach and ability to bring together sectors and disciplines in ways that are meaningful and with the potential to bring about change. Our activities in the education field include early childhood, primary, secondary, higher, Vocational Education & Training, and professional education.
In those levels Rightchallenge Association provides a wide range of services such as:
- Human Resources development and capacity building in the fields of education, VET, labour and employment.
- Civil Society Education and lifelong learning, policy analysis, strategic planning, institution building.
- Planning, organization & realization of training programs for youth and adults.
- Training teachers and trainers and the community in general.
- Research in the labour market: employment promotion, gender issues, diversity management, youth in the labour market, active employment measures.
- Migration, Integration, and Social Justice:
Social Inclusion, migration, integration of marginalized groups, peace, and development education - Socio-economic development, competitiveness and entrepreneurship:
Local and regional development planning, SME development, competitiveness and entrepreneurship, policy analysis, creativity, innovation and strategic visioning infusing innovation across sectors and supporting entrepreneurship - Curriculum development
With a core team of qualified learning designers we engage in curriculum design and development in a variety of sectors both for Face-to-Face and Online Environments. - Energy, environment and sustainable development:
Energy sectors and competency mapping, environmental education, campaigning and awareness raising, and sustainable development. - Monitoring, evaluation, and needs assessment:
Proper monitoring and evaluation are essential for the successful completion of projects. - Dissemination and exploitation of projects and results:
Rightchallenge is specialized in disseminate information about projects and their outcomes to a broad community of interested parties.
EURO TRAINING Education Organisation
EUROTRAINING ( is a Vocational Educational Centre of national scope, specialising in the sectors of Agriculture and Aquaculture, Entrepreneurship, ICT, Financial Man-agement and Tourism. EUROTraining aims to satisfy the needs of enterprises, bodies & organizations both in the public and the private sector.
EUROTraining addresses the labor potential of the market who wants to upgrade their qualifications and abilities. These are: unemployed people, incoming employed people in the labor market, new entrepreneurs, employees, disabled people, enterprises officers, graduates of high schools and Universities.
Key Activities are modern vocational training programs (blending learning using ICT), web-based Learning Management Systems, human resources training seminars, Inter- entrepreneurship training seminars. EUROTraining holds 3 affiliations with 5 teaching classrooms in three main cities in Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos), 6 IT Laboratories, specialized equipment for disabled people, Libraries with Internet access, Child care facilities, evaluation system of training tasks (ARGUS ERP).
Our objectives:
- the acquisition and development of qualifications and professional skills for employees,
- the upgrade and the continuous update of professional skills for individuals,
- the development and promotion of entrepreneurship with special emphasis on young people,
the provision of integrated consulting and training services.
Fundación Siglo22 is a non-profit organisation. The goals that define the work of our Foundation are:
- Develop programs and projects that facilitate the integration of information technology and communication in education and in business.
- Develop programs and projects related to learning for all ages.
- Improve the conditions of daily life for people with problems: unemployment, gender differences, etc.
Always having ICT as catalyst to reach objectives
Our mission is to provide relevant experiences in education and society, contributing to constant improvement through innovation projects to promote learning and change.
Our vision is moving towards the creation of a continuous personal growth substrate supported on the constant search for innovation and cooperation, promoting equal opportunities for all people.
Fundación Siglo22 has experience in projects related with learning through the use of ICT, either in eLearning or in blended solutions, together with the use of active methodologies in education, so that teaching processes are really adapted to get a real learning experience.
We work at all levels from teachers in schools and VET to University, and also in adult education to promote and help with the use of ICT that life forces to do.»
AcrossLimits is a dynamic Maltese technology research and consulting SME with its roots firmly derived from the innovation and ICT sectors. In fact its core business is still centred around the areas of IT-based solutions for business and social purposes. Our mission statement is: “Innovation for solving tomorrow’s challenges”.
The company was established in June 2001 as a limited liability company. In the last years, AcrossLimits has diversified and now is made up of three main divisions, namely Technology, European Projects and Training.
Our Technology division works hands on software development, web applications, mobile apps and social media. Moreover we offer expert support on how ICT can be used strategically to improve a business and help it revolutionise its business model.
AcrossLimits has been participating directly and helping other organisations to benefit from EU funded projects for over 15 years. Our expertise varies from innovation research projects to development projects focusing on eLearning, Entrepreneurship, eHealth and Digital Culture. We offer sustainability consultancy, project management, dissemination, project proposal writing support and assistance on taking research results to market. is our AcrossLimits training centre offering short professional and personal development courses. We are a licensed Further Educational establishment under the Ministry of Education of Malta, and our short courses span from ISO Quality Management, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Robotics and use of Technology in Education. Book your course online now on